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خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
The King will fall. While I continue my hunt for the Fae who killed my brother, I have to try to keep my heart away from the vicious boys who could be responsible for his death. But as my investigation leads me down a dangerous road and answers seem closer than ever before, I'm whisked away to the elite school, Zodiac Academy, with the four Kings, and my heart becomes more vulnerable than ever. There are so many secrets left to uncover, and I sense something terrible is about to come to light. But I’m in so deep to this dangerous labyrinth, what if this road only ends in blood?
جزئیات محصول
نویسندهCaroline Peckham
نوع جلدجلد سخت
سال نشر2023
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن726 گرم
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لطفا عدد نمایش داده شده را وارد نمایید. درصورت خوانا نبودن جهت تعویض میتوانید روی تصویر کلیک کنید