خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب

Though her main duty is still looking after Consort Gyokuyou, Maomao finds time to help her friends and acquaintances in the rear palace, including Xiaolan, who will need a job after her term of service ends, and Consort Lishu, who’s convinced she’s seen a ghost! When complications arise with Gyokuyou’s pregnancy, however, Maomao knows she’s not skilled enough to handle a situation that could threaten the life of both mother and child. She knows someone who is, but they haven’t been welcome in the rear palace for a very long time… Meanwhile, Maomao begins to discern what seem to be links between otherwise unrelated incidents in the rear palace. But what if her dawning knowledge makes her the next victim?

جزئیات محصول

  • ناشر
    J-Novel Club
  • نویسنده
    Natsu Hyuuga
  • زبان
  • نوع جلد
    جلد سخت
  • سال نشر
  • قطع
  • نوع کاغذ
  • نوع چاپ متن
  • وزن
    400 گرم
  • ژانر
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