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خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
In Agatha Christie’s classic, Five Little Pigs, beloved detective Hercule Poirot races to solve a case from out of the past.
Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, but just like the nursery rhyme, there were five other “little pigs” who could have done it: Philip Blake (the stockbroker), who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist), who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcée), who had her roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess), who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister), who cried all the way home.
جزئیات محصول
ناشرWilliam Morrow Paperbacks
نویسندهAgatha Christie
نوع جلدشومیز
سال نشر2004
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن281 گرم
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