خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب

In a god blessed realm where greed is the faith of rulers, Snowlin's existence was perhaps the greediest act of all. Born the forbidden child of two Aura, magical beings possessing god-gifted powers, she carries a burden of title. Prized a weapon of destruction by her father and hunted as a monster of carnage by others. The odds knew no favour to the wicked or kind in Numengarth, but Snowlin turned human, powerless, and a disappointment to the creator who intended to wield her in his claim for power over the continent.

After twelve years disparaged into exile, she sets to return and claim what the realm owed her: revenge on both her father and the night king who hunted to take more than her life.


Take and destroy were her plans.

Use and bargain were his.


She returns to find the rapacity of serpents lingering in the air and at her expense once again. Snowlin, now arranged to wed her nightmare for a political agreement, begins adjusting plans.

جزئیات محصول

  • ناشر
    ‎ Heiss Publishing
  • نویسنده
    Wendy Heiss
  • زبان
  • نوع جلد
  • سال نشر
  • قطع
  • نوع کاغذ
  • نوع چاپ متن
  • وزن
    611 گرم
  • ژانر
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