خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
Things you bring on a desert island...
- Sunscreen, obviously. Because these Irish freckles of mine will burn, baby, burn, and lobster red is not a great color on me.
- An extra dose of my seizure meds, just in case.
- A backpack full of snacks, including but not limited to a canteen of Dr. Pepper, a box of mini Christmas cookies, and granola bars—the gross crumbly kind, not the chocolate chip kind, because I'm trying to be healthy.
- Sunglasses, so that when I inevitably wind up staring at my brother's best friend—who I haven't seen in years—no one will be able to tell. I've been in love with him for years, but it would never work out; he lives on a literal island, while I'm still in grad school. It can't hurt to look, though, right?
- Also bug spray.
My packing list is all well and good for a quick port excursion as part of my family’s Christmas cruise. But when the cruise ship leaves me behind, with only the contents of my bag and my brother’s best friend to keep me company? Well, I’ve got problems—especially since I'm going to run out of medicine soon. And I don’t think they make sunscreen strong enough to block the sparks that are growing between Beckett and me...
Enjoy the other books in this series that can be read in any order:
Christmas Baggage by Deborah M. Hathaway
Host for the Holidays by Martha Keyes
Faking Christmas by Cindy Steel
A Newport Christmess by Jess Heileman
A Not-So Holiday Paradise by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
Later On We'll Conspire by Kortney Keisel
Cotswolds Holiday by Kasey Stockton
جزئیات محصول
ناشرDraft Horse Publishing
نویسندهGracie Ruth Mitchell
نوع جلدشومیز
سال نشر2022
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن249 گرم
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