خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
Love can be downright messy.
This last year has been a total disaster, but my failed six-month marriage takes the cake. While my ex is out having the time of his life, my coping mechanisms consist of an unhealthy obsession with true-crime podcasts and trying to revive my floundering social media account.
So, when I get an offer from one of social media’s darlings—Nikki Aker—to make gingerbread centerpieces for her Christmas wedding, I can’t refuse. Not only because the job pays well (my maxed-out credit card will attest to how much I need this money), but it’s a last-ditch effort to increase my following before I’m forced to get “a real job.”
There’s only one small problem I didn’t account for: Nikki’s a self-proclaimed matchmaker, and apparently, I’m her next target. My only hope to escape unscathed is to conspire with Nikki’s grumpy—albeit gorgeous—brother, Landon, who seems equally determined to get through this wedding with his single status fully intact.
All we need to do is convince Nikki we're developing feelings for each other. What can possibly go wrong?
*This is a sweet/clean romance
Enjoy the other books in this series that can be read in any order:
Christmas Baggage by Deborah M. Hathaway
Host for the Holidays by Martha Keyes
Faking Christmas by Cindy Steel
A Newport Christmess by Jess Heileman
A Not-So Holiday Paradise by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
Later On We'll Conspire by Kortney Keisel
Cotswolds Holiday by Kasey Stockton
جزئیات محصول
ناشرDraft Horse Publishing
نویسندهJess Heileman
نوع جلدشومیز
سال نشر2022
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن329 گرم
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