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خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
With both pen and camera lens, Orion Carloto captures the dreamlike beauty of memory.Film for Her is a story book of people, places, and memories captured on film. Through photographs, poetry, prose, and a short story, Orion Carloto invites readers to remember the forgotten and reach into the past, find comfort in the present, and make sense of the intangible future. Film photography isn’t just eye candy; it’s timeless and romantic—the ideal complement to Carloto’s writing. In Film for Her, much like a visual diary, word and image are intertwined in a book perfect for both gift and self-purchase.
جزئیات محصول
ناشرAndrews McMeel Publishing
نویسندهOrion Carloto
نوع جلدجلد سخت
سال نشر2020
نوع کاغذتحریر
نوع چاپ متنرنگی
وزن387 گرم
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