خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
When an old friend shuffles off their mortal coil, Archie travels to New York for the funeral, and from there to the Merge, to do some work with his mentor, Winston.
In a realm of waterless canals and upside-down pyramids, he patiently teaches royals how to open a portal to the ancient Crypt, and learns some more of the Merge's many secrets.
But when a day trip to a beautiful cenote goes terrifyingly awry, it looks as if Archie's story might have come to the end of its line...
Book seven of the Archibald Lox series by Darren Shan, the New York Times bestselling author of Cirque Du Freak and Lord Loss.
This is the first of three books in VOLUME THREE - the final volume - of the series.
جزئیات محصول
ناشرHome of the Damned Ltd
نویسندهDarren Shan
نوع جلدشومیز
سال نشر2022
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن195 گرم
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