خلاصه و قسمتی از کتاب
New York Times bestselling author Cathy Maxwell returns with a delicious new series, The Brides of Wishmore
What happens when a bride says maybe?
She'd once been the toast of London, but now scandal has brought her down. Still, pretty, petted Lady Tara Davidson can't believe her new fate. She had wanted to marry for love . . . but her profligate father has promised her hand to none other than Breccan Campbell, the Beast of Aberfeldy and laird of the valley's most despised clan! Well, Tara may have to marry him, but Breccan can't make her love him--can he?
What happens when the groom insists?
Breccan Campbell is nobody's fool. He knows that Tara is trouble. Yet he's determined to reform the Campbell name even if it means forging an alliance with the arrogant beauty. There's no doubt that Tara is a challenge, and Breccan loves nothing more. For he's vowed to thoroughly seduce Tara--and make her his in more than name alone.
جزئیات محصول
نویسندهCathy Maxwell
نوع جلدشومیز
سال نشر2014
نوع کاغذبالک
نوع چاپ متنمشکی
وزن361 گرم
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